"Electronic Erotica", volume 1, number 5. Date: 14 May 89 20:14:32 GMT CONTENTS: A Letter from the Editor Engineering Repair Man ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- A LETTER FROM THE EDITOR It seems that the last issue made it much farther than previous issues, so I guess size must be important :-). I'll try to keep the issues under 25K or so, maybe smaller. It's been suggested that maybe someone can get some Bitnet host with a listserv to maintain part of the mailing list via LISTSERV; then the users could signup directly via the server (resign as well). And now a note about back issues. I don't have the time or resources to fill requests for previous issues, so don't ask. At least one kind soul on the net has offered to make back issues available for anonymous ftp from unocss.unl.edu ( in the 'pub/altsex/eros' directory. The maintainer of that archive is Tim Russell or . If you don't have ftp access, I'm sorry. Maybe someone will set up a way to request back issues via email. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTACT: Ebenezer ENGINEERING It was late on Friday, Bob Shane was sitting in his office studying the design on the table. He heard the knob turn and the door quietly open. Glancing up he saw who he expected to see, Debbie. "Not going to happy hour with the rest of the gang?" he asked as he looked back at the schematic. "I've got one more test to finish. Besides, that's not my idea of a good time" He chuckled softly and watched as she deftly picked up a clip board and pad and turned to leave the office. "Haven't YOU got anything better to do?" "Tomorrow. Now is for this VCO." She nodded and left. A Staff Engineer wasn't supposed to share an office, but until the new building was done everyone below Advisory had to double up. Debbie was a decent roommate, although he'd been really skeptical. Her resume was impressive, BSEE from Purdue University, MSEE from Berkeley, summer work at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory and NASA-Ames Research Center. Kick ass grades too. But when he was introduced to her the old bigotry raised its ugly head. She was emphatically NOT another zit faced techno twerp. She was charming and poised and BEAUTIFUL. What the hell was SHE doing in DESIGN? Things certainly had changed in the twelve years since he'd left Stanford. He recovered quickly and got on with the interview. She took all of his standard technical questions with ease. Then he added another and could tell by her smile and the twinkle in her brown eyes that she'd already seen this one. Keeping a "strictly professional" relationship with this woman was going to be an awesome challenge. When the interview team met later Bob volunteered to check out her resume. All his contacts at Berkeley, JPL and Stanford had the same conclusion; inside that 1.6 meter, 48 kilo woman was one of the sharpest analog designers on the west coast. With no reservations she was immediately hired. And assigned to HIS office (GULP). Her difficulties began about a month after she started. She had dressed professionally at first, dark suits with the hem the correct distance below the knee. At her height high heels were common, but seldom as high or open as hers were. Then the hem started to go up and the slits appeared. Bob couldn't believe someone would take such chances with their career. The final straw was the white silk SHEER blouse over a black lacy "OH MY GOD" bra. It took him an hour to work out just how to tell her that engineers simply do NOT wear such things to work. She smiled and her eyes sparkled and she took his suggestion to wear a white lab coat over her clothes. Bob sighed with relief when she left the office and went off to the lab. She really was incredible. Top notch designer of amazing scope, self assured, gregarious, efficient, organized, fun. But he'd have to talk to her again soon about attire. Those black seamed stockings just wouldn't do. Bob sighed and began putting his notebooks away. He locked the file cabinet, his overhead, and sat down to lock his desk. He heard the door open and turned to see Debbie enter. She closed the door behind her, making an odd motion of her hand across the knob. He sat in his chair and watched as she took off her lab coat and hung it behind the door. He saw the narrow black straps of her bra clearly through the white silk blouse. He felt the blood rush to his lips and unconsciencely rolled them into his mouth to hide them. His gaze moved down to the black mini skirt which hugged her trim hips and emphasized her waist, then down her legs to her tall spike heeled sandals. She turned just as he gave a heavy sigh. "Finish your VCO?" "Not yet, finish your tests?" "All but one." she said smiling coyly. Bob decided that this was as good a time as any. "You've done very well here in the last six months." "Thank you" "It's just... I'd hate to... Oh bother. Has anyone else commented on your choice of work clothes?" "Just Mark, he mumbled something about 'going somewhere to eat' then switched to Spanish. Do you know what he meant?", she said with an impish grin. "No one has warned you about dressing in a 'professional manner'?" "I told Nordien you said that. He just laughed and said it depended on what 'profession' I was in. What exactly is it that you don't like?" Bob felt the blood rush to his cheeks and the sweat begin to prickle his back. "Do you really think that black seamed stockings are appropriate to wear to work here at Harrison American Labs?" "Where do YOU think they would be appropriate?" She walked across the room with her most graceful, sensual walk and stood next to his chair with a broad, sly grin. "Don't you think I look good in them?" "Yes, er a no a .." he smiled sheepishly, realizing the futility of his seriousness. "You look fantastic in them. It's just ..." "You're worried about me?" With this she reached out and touched his cheek, tracing the curve of his face with her finger. Bob could only nod. She carefully sat down in his lap, putting both of her hands on his face. "Do you really think you should do this?" She giggled. "It's Friday evening," She moved her face closer to his. "there is no one else in the building," Their noses touched. "and I've locked the door." Her lips brushed his. "Will you PLEASE relax." He released his grip on the arms of the chair and moved one hand tentatively to her back. His composure was returning but his caution was not disregarded. "So, why DO you dress like that, Debbie?" "To get your attention." she said, almost on the verge of laughter. "Why didn't you ask me?" "I DID!" she giggled. "Honestly Bob, you either take this 'professionalism' too far or you are as dense as uranium." Bob let out a snort. "Well EXXCUS-S-S-e ME!" he whispered, moving his left hand lightly to her knee. "Now that you've got my attention, what did you have in mind?" "It's my turn to interview YOU for a job" she whispered slyly, grinning and winking. "I have an 'opening' which I need filled." (Bob groaned at the corniness) "What kind of position?" "Several and various." His eye brows lifted in mock surprise. "Where do I apply?" "Right HERE" she whispered as her lips merged with his. He moved his right hand across her back to her hip and gently pulled her body to his. His left hand began to slowly caress her knee, working stealthly up her thigh. Her tongue entered his mouth and began to stroke his. Slowly his right hand moved up her side until he felt her bra through the silkiness of her blouse. He then slid his hand slowly around, gently feeling for the tip of her nipple. She was far from passive. Her left hand caressed the back of his neck while her right hand slowly, deftly began to loosen his tie and unbutton his shirt. After she'd released three buttons she slid her warm hand into is shirt and stroked his chest. She broke the kiss and slid her cheek against his. He savored her orange blossom scent, but delicately drew her soft, black, flowing hair out of his face. "Is that unprofessional enough for you?" Bob whispered. "You might be just what I'm looking for, but I'm not done with the interview yet." " Do you want to give me a physical to see if I'm up to the job?" She pulled back and looked into his eyes. "I don't think that's necessary. I've watched you and Ebenezer run at lunch for months. You look like a pair of prime pumas loping through the desert in nothing but your shorts and shoes." "It's good to find someone who appreciates my exertions." Bob drew her near and kissed the side of her neck, then traced down to her chest with the tip of his tongue. He felt her tremble, then she gripped him tighter. His left hand moved up and slowly unbuttoned her blouse, exposing her skin for his tongue. When he had unbuttoned to the waist of her skirt his hand slid down her hip to the hem and began to slowly ascend under the fabric. By this time his tongue had reached the top of her bra and he teased her by tracing the edge of the lace across her chest. His left hand slid past the top of her stocking. He was impressed but kept caressing up her thigh. Reaching a dead end at her skirt waist, his hand glided around her warm ass. It began to dawn on him that there was nothing for him to find. He looked up into her eyes. "Brazen, aren't we? Shall I dine?" "Please do." He gently lifted her up onto his table. She leaned back against her outstretched arms. He slowly, teasingly pushed the hem of her skirt up. Past the top of her stocking until the hem reached her waist. He looked with wonder at her lips, dark against the white of her shaved mons. He looked up at her and smiled. "What a spectacular dish." He eased his face down to her thighs and began to caress her with his tongue. Inhaling deeply her aroma he worked smoothly up to her lips. She was moist and tasty. He gave her clitoris a light flick and was rewarded to feel her body twitch. Her warm hands began to caress his head, fingers running through his hair. The build up began. First stroke the clit a few times, never the same number (build the tension). Then move off some where else, the thigh, the cunni, the mons. Now back to the clit. He continued these iterations, licking a little longer on each pass. Finally she'd had enough. He started to move off, but her hands clamped onto his head and pushed him back. Continuing to lick, he felt her squirm and heard her soft moans. He tried once more, but again she pushed him back. Time for a procedure change. He concentrated on her clit. First long slow strokes the length of her lips. Then many fast flicks across the button itself. Strokes and flicks. She squirmed and gasped, building to her peak. Suddenly she went rigid then started to push him away. He tightened his grip on her buttocks and continued to lick. She convulsed as though riding a bucking bronco and he withdrew his tongue and smiled up at her. She returned his smile and whispered, "Now it's your turn." She took his hand and pulled him to his feet, wrapping an arm around his neck and kissing him hard on the lips. Her right hand finished unbuttoning his shirt, then deftly opened his buckle, unzipped and unbuttoned his pants. Bob returned the favor, unbuttoning her blouse and unzipping and unhooking her skirt. She eased away and put her hands on his shoulders, caressing the shirt off of his back. She hopped off the table and stood before him as her skirt fell to the floor. He languidly pushed the blouse from her shoulders, exposing the black lacy bra which thrust her breasts up for his inspection. He appraised the length of her from deep brown eyes down past her black suspender belt to her high heels. She watched him grow hard before her eyes. She kneeled down, running her finger tips down his hairless chest as she did. Then she grasped the waist of his pants and shorts and pulled them down his legs. His tool bounced out, firming by the second. She grasped it in her hand and kissed it and licked it before sucking it deeply into her hot mouth. When he was hard enough she stopped and stood up, still holding him in her hand, and started to lead him to the open floor behind her desk. "This isn't going to work." "Eh?" "I've got to take my pants off." She giggled at the sight of him hobbled by the clothing at his ankles. Kneeling down again she used her free hand to slip his pants off of his feet. Freed now, she stood and led him from the cluttered floor to an area where he could lie. Then she gently pushed him down on his back, stroking his cock to keep it hard. She straddled him and crouched down, lowering her bare cunt toward him. Pausing just at contact, she moved the head across her lips, wetting it and teasing him. Then she slid slowly down the length of his shaft, looking proud and satisfied. He felt the hot wetness envelope him and he grabbed her hips and pushed her hard onto his loins. Then he reached up and began to caress the lace of her bra, gently fondling her hardening nipples. She began to withdraw, then switched to a slow ride, 'posting' English style. Bob relaxed, letting the sensations wash over... "GOOD MORNING !!" Bob bolted upright, his eyes wide with terror. He stared into the darkness, seeing only the pale blue numbers of the clock. "This is KRQQ, FM 92 in Tucson. It's five thirty and time for the news." He climbed wearily out of bed and walked to the radio and turned it off. Then he looked back at his bed and saw the moon beam on the unused pillow next to his own. He stared at it for several seconds, remembering the dream. Then he sighed and turned away to begin his day. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- REPAIR MAN Sleepily, she walked to answer the door. "Dishwasher Repair Man" said the voice on the other side of the door. She looked through the peep hole and saw a good-looking man in his mid-30's. He smiled through the peep hole. God it's early, she thought as she unlocked the door to let him in. She had thrown a robe over her nude body. She hadn't even had coffee. "Come in," she said. "Do you know what time it is?" "Nine a.m." he said as his eyes moved to her long legs. Although she was barefoot, she was a good three or four inches taller than the repair man. "Would you like a cup of coffee" she asked. "Not right now -- maybe later." She directed him to the dishwasher, poured herself a cup of coffee and sat at the kitchen table across from him. As the man worked she noticed his small ass and broad shoulders. While he wasn't extremely tall, he was well proportioned. She thought about how she had awakened her lover Bob the night before and how he had eaten her for hours. How she loved to have her pussy sucked. Just thinking about it made her begin to get wet between her thighs. She wondered if the repair man could tell what was happening to her..wondered if he could smell her animal odor as she became aroused. The dishwasher repair man was sitting on the floor working on the broken appliance but couldn't help notice her long tanned legs. She had crossed her legs and her robe had parted up to her thigh. She knew what he was thinking. Their eyes didn't meet but she knew what was going to happen. She decided to sit Indian-style. Pushing the robe between her legs, she watched as the repair man tried to continue repairing the dishwasher. The thought of an early morning fuck was always a turn-on for her. The thought of fucking a complete stranger excited her even more. So she let the robe ride up on her legs. "Can I take you up on that cup of coffee now?" the repair man asked. "Certainly," she said, rising out of the seat she letting her robe climb even higher towards her waist. As she walked close to him he could smell her musky female odor. She saw the bulge in his pants. He's getting hard, she thought. She poured the coffee and bent down to give it to him knowing her robe would part and he'd have a lovely view of her breasts. "Thank you," he said smiling and looking at her breasts. She smiled back and said, "Oh I'm sure it'll be worth it." He put the coffee down on the floor and pulled her towards him -- his hands grasping her ass cheeks under the robe. He kissed her lips..kissed her neck..kissed her ears. He lifted the robe and slowly touched her wetness. He moved down to kiss her breasts. Opened her robe and let it fall off her shoulders. Moved his face further down passed her stomach to her cunt. "Oh," she whispered, spreading her legs so he could taste more. They moved to the kitchen table. She still had her robe on but it was hiked above her waist and her tits were hanging out. The repair man was massaging them as he continued to eat her. "Oh, that feels so good!" she said as she reached for the front of his pants. She unbuttoned them, pulled them down and started slowly pulling his cock up and down. "Stick it in me. Fuck me now," she said. The repair man obliged. He had a thick cock -- thicker than her lover's and about the same size. But since the repair man was shorter than Bob, his cock looked bigger in proportion to the rest of his body. "Oh you're big, aren't you," she said as he inserted his cock into her juicy cunt. She had spread her legs wide on the kitchen table to accomodate his cock and now he was slowly moving in and out of her hot twat in a circular motion. "Oh god, that feels so good," she said. "And so do you," he whispered. She reached down to her clit and rubbed it as the repair man started moving faster. "I'm close," she said. And then, "Now, I'm coming! Oh, I'm still coming! More!" The repair man was starting to breathe harder and she knew he was getting close. "Make me come again!" she yelled as her body moved with the same circular motion the repair man had been using. "Now!" he yelled. The repair man started licking her tits. She was still ready for more fucking. She grabbed the repair man's limp cock and started sucking it. It didn't take long and he was hard again. She continued sucking and soon the repair man said, "I'm gonna come. Take it all now." She started making circular motions with the guy's cock in her mouth and he yelled, "Here we go!" She took it all, smiled at him. He moved over to the kitchen sink and found a paper towel. He cleaned himself off and zippered his pants. She felt wonderful. "About the dishwasher..." He smiled back and said, "You just had a spoon caught in the rotor. Its fine now." She insisted on paying him the service charge -- $25 -- and as she wrote out the check he put his hand under her robe. "You've got to stop now," she said. He smiled and just keep rubbing her clit. Pretty soon, she started moaning and he brought her off again-- this time just with his hand. "I've got to go, but if you ever need me again, here's my number," he said as he handed her a receipt for the check... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- End of "Electronic Erotica", volume 1, number 5. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [] Daryl VanHorne, editor, "Electronic Erotica" (eEros) SUBMISSIONS TO: eeros@dbnv.midgard.mn.org OR: {any backbone}!bungia!midgard!dbnv!eeros ALL FLAMES TO: /dev/null